Friday 15 May 2015

Okamino and Beyond

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

I've been missing on the blog, but not missing my hikes/bike rides.  

Tuesday was heArt Fit. Ed brought in a painting he did at home. The colours are far more vibrant and impact-full when viewed more closely. Ed also make the frame and stretched the canvass himself, all this with a cast on his hand. Way to go Ed!

You may recognize Renata's style by now. On show and tell, the painting got turned around a number of times.  I think this is near perfect.

Alberto, who is near 90 years old just returned from Italy. Alberto has quite a story to tell about having lead poisoning. He used to be a dentist.  It's hard not to see teeth in this after you hear his story.

Ah, Keith showed up to warm our hearts. So, so happy to see him in the crowd. Welcome back Keith. You can see the young and young at heart creating.

Everything becomes art to Keith, even directions to restaurants and shops in Edmonton.

A later day WRT hike in the wind.

Someone please tell me what these remind them of!

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